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Friday, December 30, 2005


Books: The List, What I read in 2005 And Reviews

I read 101 books in 2005, and overall found it to be a good year (overall average of 4.30 out of 5 stars). I read books in many different genres and sub-genres, sometimes at the same time. I also read a Jane Austen book for the first time. I mention Austen because one of the two books I read by her was my highest rated book of the year, and a pretty good movie too. I'm speaking, of course, of "Pride and Prejudice" (movie website; book). I ended up giving the book a rating of 4.65 out of 5, and the movie somewhere between 4.40 and 4.55 stars.

The List, in order of when I finished reading it (does not contain all 101 books):
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And at the end of 2005, here is my category chart (this list contains just the main categories, and none of the sub-categories):
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My reviews:
My reviews appeared on Amazon.com (and through it seemingly throughout the web, based on an agreement they have with other websites), Epinions.com, my blog on TV.com (very few, though a samll acknowledgment of the book did pop up occasionally), and on this blog. The reviews tended to be for the same product but worded differently, and on occasion, with completely different reviews.

In Books:
5 Star Books, some notes
Roger Macbride Allen: "Rogue Powers" (Amazon, just information)
Doug Allyn: "The Burning of Rachel Hayes" (and the review on this blog)
Lawrence Block: "The Sins of the Father" (Amazon, currently first page, date: 3/28/05) (and here)
Aaron Elkins: "Where There's a Will" (Amazon, currently in the spotlight, date: 4/7/05) (and here)
Harry Harrison: "Stonehenge" (Amazon - just information about the book, not a review)
Nancy Kress: "Oaths and Mircales" (and the review on this blog)
Peter Lovesey: "The Circle" (and the review on this blog)
Margaret Maron: "Bootlegger's Daughter" (and the review on this blog)
John Maddox Roberts: "King of the Wood" (and the review on this blog)
John Maddox Roberts: "The Princess and the Pirates" (and the review on this blog)
James Rollins: "Map of Bones" (and the review on this blog)

In Movies:
Layer Cake (with the New James Bond) (and the version on this blog)
Kung Fu Hustle (and here)
Sahara (Amazon; I'm on there somewhere; date: 4/12/05) (and here)
Note on "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" and "Legend of Zorro"
Note on "Batman Begins" and "War of the Worlds"
Note on "Wedding Crashers" and "Fantastic Four"
Note on "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", "Sin City", "XXX: State of the Union", and "Kingdom of Heaven"
Note on James Bond

In Music:
CMT Most Wanted Volume 1 (Country) (and the version on this blog)
Fijacion Oral Vol. 1 (Spanish) <- apparently, my most read review on Amazon and Epinions (and the version on this blog)
In TV:
Top 10 Episodes of 2005
Pre-Midseason Report (11/18/05)
TV Fall Season: Monday
TV Fall Season: Tuesday
TV Fall Season: Wednesday
TV Fall Season: Thursday
TV Fall Season: Friday
TV Fall Season: Saturday
TV Fall Season: Sunday
TV: So Far (9/21/05)
My Guides:
A Guide to Ancient Egyptian Fiction (modern fiction set in ancient Egypt; updated version)
A Guide to Ancient Egyptian Fiction (earlier Amazon version)
A Guide to Books set in Ancient Greece or about ancient Greeks (Amazon)
A Guide to Books set in Ancient Rome (Amazon)
A Guide to Books set in Medieval History Part I (Amazon)
A Guide to Books set in Medieval History Part II (Amazon)
A Guide to Books set in the Renaissance period (Amazon)
A Guide to Alternate History Part I (Amazon)
A Guide to Alternate History Part II (Amazon)

The Man Who Made Himself General: Nathaniel Bacon and his 1676 Rebellion in Virginia

Freshman Year

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