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Friday, February 23, 2007


Phobos, First Entry: First 15 minutes

Title: Phobos
Author: Ty Drago
Date: 2003
ISBN: 0765305445
Genre: Science Fiction, Military Fiction
Series: ?
Publisher: TOR
Pages: 431
Pages: On: 27
Chapters: 49 (also a Prologue and Epilogue)
Chapter On: 1
Time spent: 15 minutes
Rating: ?

Facing a choice between two books, a Sports Fiction book by an author I’ve read before, but didn’t particularly like (I’ve seen good reviews for the option book and thought I’d give the author another chance, only read 1 by him so far), and a Science Fiction, Military Fiction book by an author that I’ve never read before and have the impression that he hasn’t written any more books, I decided to catch up on my magazine reading. Then, today, I finally got around to reading another book. Picked the sports book up first, glanced at the first two lines, didn’t like the way they went and started the Science Fiction book. I’ve only read the prologue, so I do not know anything about the book (other than the book’s description, something about a Martian officer in the Earth space service facing some discrimination, and placed in a position near/on Mars when it revolts, or something like that), or if I will like it.

This is Drago’s First Novel. Never heard of the author, and never seen the book anywhere except at my library.

So Far: Prologue involved military unit on Phobos (near Mars) tracking some kind of killer “thing.” Private Manning killed. Then Lead Character Lt. Joseph Halavero killed by some snake thing that has the ability to change the shape of itself. Halavero’s last thought is that he is glad that his female sergeant finally called him by his first name (they were lovers when she was a private, and he was in officer candidate school). Ok, main lead character dead on a moon off Mars. Died in Moon Dust by Very Fast Giant Snake Thing (read something recently about how moon dust was speculated on by famous science fiction writer, but theory disproved).

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