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Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Capitalism and Freedom: Eleventh and Final Entry: 15 minutes later

Author: Milton Friedman
Book: Capitalism and Freedom
ISBN: 0226264211
Genre: Nonfiction: Politics and Economics
Date: 1962, 1982, 2002
Pages: 202
Page on: 202
Time spent reading (so far): 337 minutes.

Book completed. Capitalism + Freedom good. Government intervention bad. Many of the “Great Reforms” backfired.

The major flaw of the book, if it can be called a flaw, is that it is filled with information and examples of a world that no longer exists. Good and all, I suppose, but more if the historical nature of the examples is noted. The book was released with new prefaces in 1982 and 2002. At least one section looks like it might have been updated, but most still relie on out-dated information.

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